West Main Church of Christ – Building and Facility Usage Policy

Revised 9/2/24

Statement of faith – Jehovah God is Sovereign, the creator of the Universe, and it is our duty to love Him as our Father with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. ( Mark 12:30)

1) Jesus is the Christ, the son of God, who died on the cross for the remission of our sins and is seated at the right hand of God in Heaven (John 20:31, 1 Thes. 4:14, Mark 16:19)

2) The Holy Spirit is one of the Godhead with God the Father and Jesus the Christ; He is given as a gift after baptism, He is our assurance of eternal life. (2 Cor. 13:14, Acts 2:38).

3) The gospel is the good news concerning the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, there is salvation in no other. (1 Cor. 15: 1-4)

4) Salvation is received through individual obedience to the gospel call by believing that Jesus is God’s only son, repenting of sins, confessing that Jesus is the Christ, being baptized by immersion in water for the forgiveness of sins and then pursuing a faithful life with Jesus as Lord. (Acts 8:37, Luke 24:47, 1 Timothy 6:12, Revelation 2:10)

5) The Bible is the inspired word of God and is the sole authority given for reproof, for correction and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be adequately equipped for every good work. (1 Peter 1:20-21, 2 Timothy 3:16)

Our Mission is to utilize the buildings and grounds to promote fully the teachings and mission as stated in the Bible. All usage of the buildings and grounds will comprise our adherence to the biblical teachings and tenets of our sole desire to the principles of the Ist Century New Testament church as found in the Bible.

Ownership – all things belong to the one God of Heaven and Earth. We are blessed by God for providing the privilege of using this facility. We are recognized by the state of Mississippi as rightful owners of this property and grounds. Our facility is cooperatively owned and shared by the members of West Main Church of Christ. The policy for management of this facility is intended to ensure orderly access by first, the church program of ministries; second, members of the church.

● This building is a gift of God, and it represents the sacrificial giving of a lot of people. Use it joyfully for His glory, but do your best to take care of it.
● When you are done using the building, remember that others will follow who also want to use it to minister to people. Leave it in great shape, like you would want to find it if you were coming in to do a ministry!

Reservation and limitations of usage

Reserve the right to limit or restrict the usage of the buildings and grounds that may conflict with the biblical teachings of the Bible and are not consistent with the character of the West Main church of Christ. No activity will be allowed that may interfere with use of the building and grounds for our normal worship services, Bible school classes, and church sponsored activities. Building is not to be used for personal business or profit. All requests for using the building, facility and grounds are subject to approval by an Elder or designated person. All planned activities by members, including all family events must be recorded on the church calendar.

The following guidelines should be followed:
The Building Usage Requests:
● The buildings may be reserved only by West Main church members
● Church activities will have priority over any personnel use requested, Any church event planned will have preference over any other request, including those already reserved.
● Online calendar will allow members to know when times are available. From this website, there will be an option to email requests to the church office.
● The request is to include the clock hours for its intended use. This should include if prep time is needed for the event. This will allow for additional persons to schedule an event after those hours.
● All requests are not considered reserved until a confirmation is issued from the church office. A reminder will be posted on the site.
● The revised Building Usage Policy will be posted on our website page dedicated to the church calendar.
● All persons requesting a reservation of building usage will be required to acknowledge they have read this policy.
● Reservation for Building Usage should be made at least two weeks prior to the date requested.
● Exception to this policy: In the interest of Community Service in conjunction with West Main’s involvement with Community Groups may request to use our facilities on a limited basis. The requested usage in the interest of community affairs must not interfere with planned church activities. The context of such must not be anything that opposes Biblical principles held by the West Main church. Approval for community gathering is subject to the discretion of the West Main Eldership.

Use of Musical Instruments. It is the policy of the West Main church that the use of mechanical instruments of music will not be permitted during worship services. However, Weddings and Funerals held at West Main will be allowed to use recorded music if requested by the family and approved by the Eldership. The music selected must not infringe on the integrity of the church. This restriction does not apply to the Family Activity Center when an “Non Church Service” event is held.

Building Use Request Form
Members desiring use of the building or church owned items require approval as stated in this policy. The request may be made through our website and submitted electronically. Once completed and appropriately signed, it should be submitted to the church office. To aid in avoiding conflicts members should make the reservation request well in advance of the planned use date, preferably a month, or no less than two weeks prior notice and completion of the form is required to help avoid conflicts.

For members wishing to reserve a space in the West Main church buildings, one must request a space usage using the Online Calendar. The Guidelines for using the church Calendar is as follows:

West Main church of Christ – Building Use Calendar – Administration
The scheduling calendar is available for online viewing only, it is accessible to members only. There is a login that is password protected for members wishing to reserve a space. The office secretary, Candace Thomas is the primary contact and will respond to reservation requests; she must approve the request in the system before it is reserved. Lenora William is backup approver. The calendar request form will show different space locations that may be reserved.

The online calendar will be the only calendar (no hard copy) and we will have only one main approver to keep things smooth. The Backup Approver will only function if the Main approver needs assistance. Members must use the church website to determine availability and make a request.

Those wishing to reserve a space must complete the online calendar and submit electronically. To submit the request the requestor must acknowledge they have read the Building Use Policy and confirm to be in compliance. Church wide events will be identified on the calendar, private events will display as “Private Events”. When requesting a space one will need to indicate which specific space they are requesting. Please only reserve necessary space for the event.

Available Areas:
These include: At the Family Center three areas are available – (1A)Dining Area, (1B)Youth Class Room, (1C) Main Area; (2) Fellowship Hall; (3) Education Building – The Garden Room; (4) Adult Classrooms (No Food); and (5) Auditorium. Those reserving a space must specify which area they wish to reserve.

Church Recurring Events:
Events such as pickleball, basketball or any other event like these will be color coded by
approver to show flexibility which are subject to church Events.

Reminder: There is a tremendous demand for use of various spaces, please be considerate and request the specific space needed, as well as the length of time of use. With the renovation of the Classroom Building there is more space available, should one only need a meeting room space.

Scheduling –
● A church sponsored event will always have priority,
● Private family events can only be scheduled one month out
● Weddings may be scheduled 6 months out.
● Church events can be scheduled any length of time out and have Priority
● Request time needed for decorating (showers and birthday parties – 24 hours allowed in requested room only)
● Only members of the West Main church of Christ may reserve a space.
● The exception is local community organizations that may reserve a space This use is limited to community affairs that are nonpolitical and not a church related agenda except for the West Main church of Christ.

Those person requesting the building space is responsible for cleaning the areas and removing any items brought in for decoration or use such as – – Inflatables or other items
Cleaning is to be completed immediately within the requested time. Any event on a Saturday must be completely cleaned on that day with respect to Sunday Service and Bible Class.

Maintaining a safe environment is the responsibility of those hosting the event. Caution must be taken to ensure the security of those attending and the building space itself. There is a video surveillance that is on 24/7. Please ensure all doors are closed and electronically locked.

The Building Use Form is available online. It must be submitted electronically via the church website.

Security and Supervision
Responsible adult supervision must be with the group at all times when facilities are in use. All minor children must be supervised by at least an adult who will adhere to security policy. No group activities are to be engaged where fall or injury hazards are a risk. West Main church of Christ is not responsible for loss or damage to vehicles using our parking lot. Safety precautions should be taken with due diligence of taking necessary precautions to ensure the safe usage by all participants.

Non Church sponsored usage
There is to be no usage of the building, facility or grounds for any purpose outside of those sponsored by the West Main Church of Christ. Conducting personal business (unrelated to our mission) on church property or for personal financial profit is prohibited. An activity endorsed by a West Main member for the benefit of a worthwhile cause will be considered an acceptable use subject to approval.

Kitchen usage
Kitchen Use: In case of breakage or damage to kitchen materials, the responsible party is expected to correct or pay for the damage. Every group including catering services is expected to leave the kitchen and its equipment clean and in place as it was found. Individual members or responsible organizations should be responsible for tablecloths, dishes, etc. Dishes, utensils, and glasses should be cleaned and returned to the appropriate storage before leaving the facility after the event. Table cloths are to be properly cleaned, pressed, and returned within 5 days. (Members only)

Use of Equipment
Any use of audio-visual equipment in the auditorium requires a member of the audio-visual team
The audio visual equipment will only be operated by a member of the audio-visual team. The audio and/or DVD equipment in the Fellowship Hall may be used without a member of the audio-visual team. This includes the use of the DVD player and up to two microphones. The use of additional audio visual equipment, including the availability to use a computer and/or PowerPoint will require the use of a member of the audio-visual team or qualified staff member. (Unless a member of the church, computer equipment is to be provided by the group.) The audio-visual team are those individuals identified by the West Main Media Deacon.

Use of church owned items
No furniture (tables, chairs, etc.) or equipment belonging to the Church may be loaned or removed from the building except for official Church functions without request through the church office and completion of the Request form (Attachment A) which includes approval by the Deacon in charge. Members using the tables for yard sales or similar activities should first contact the church office to determine which tables are available. No church property is to be removed that will interfere with normal church activities. All church owned items borrowed should be returned no later than 24 hours of the event and in all cases returned if equal or better condition.

Personal Property
West Main church is not responsible for loss or damage to any personal property.

Clean up policy
The building and grounds should be left in the same level of cleanliness following the event. All trash is to be removed to the designated dumpsters. Nothing should be attached to floors, ceiling, windows, or doors that can not be removed without leaving marks, holes, or damage.

Weddings planned or scheduled must be in full compliance to our Wedding Policy. (Copy available in church office). In addition to the building use property, the following requirements are to be met for weddings occurring in the buildings or grounds. The wedding event will be in compliance to our established wedding policy. This includes the wedding ceremony, dinners, and photo sessions.

Anyone using the building and grounds outside of our normal weekly service must obtain a copy of the lock-up procedure for individual use and agree to follow its requirement. Copy may be obtained from the church office or downloaded from our website – www.westmainchurch.org members only section. The building should be left securely locked and all minors of the party accounted for.

Other considerations:
a. alcoholic beverages on church property
b. tobacco use in the church building or grounds
c. food or drink in the auditorium – (except for younger children supervised by an adult)
d. taking church equipment from the premises for personal use (includes all tables and chairs with permission)
e. moving of platform, or furniture without permission
f. kicking of balls in the basement
g. no use of DUCT TAPE or other adhesives to ceiling walls doors (check with church maintenance before applying) recommend using Mavalus tape.
h. crafting material smaller than ¼” on carpeted areas (i.e., glitter)The use of snacks with children must be supervised by an adult; snacks should be used in areas without carpeting.

2. The church will not be responsible for personal property left in the building.

3. Tape or string can hang decorations; tape must be removed completely.

4. Candles may only be used with great caution

5. We request respect for other programs using the building at the same time.

6. Ministry leaders must provide for adult supervision of children during an event held in the building. Rooms used for childcare must also be requested and approved before the event.

7. Doors or rooms not requested (and approved for use) must remain locked.

8. Saturday evening events must be cleaned up, finished and out of the building by 11:00 pm.

9. When leaving the building, please follow the lock-up procedure listed below.

10. Smoking, illegal drugs, and alcoholic beverages will not be permitted in church buildings or church grounds.

Bonded Caterers connected to approved functions are welcome to use the church kitchen and appliances, but should supply their own linens, flatware, dishes, pots, pans and paper products for approved member usage. The Wedding Coordinator will be able to explain how to use the needed equipment. At the conclusion of the dinner or reception, the caterer is responsible for removing all items brought into the church for the event, as well as leftover food and drinks. The kitchen counters were cleaned and garbage removed and mopped the floor. Please remember that no alcoholic beverages are allowed on church property at any time. In the case where a caterer is only providing food, they will only be required for delivery of the catered food items.

Attachment  A – Building Use Request Form

Building Use Request Form

Name(s): ______________________________

Address: ______________________________

Contact Phone Number:__________________

Date of Request:________________________

Date(s) of Use:__________________________

(Start to Finish)(Include Setup Time)

Please specify the Hours of Usage: From _____ To _________

Name/Purpose of the Event:_____________________________________

__Request Use of the Building

Specify Rooms to be used: ____________________________________

Specify any church owned items:_______________________________


Specify any church equipment:_________________________________


__I have checked with the church office that this will not interfere with church service or church sponsored activity.

__I have read the Building Use Policy and agree to its conditions

(Please be aware that the Family Center is used almost every Day)

______________________________                 ___________________________
Requestor                              (Date)                   Acknowledged  (Date)